(Image source from: US District Judge Raymond J. Dearie on FIFA pronunciation})
The acronym FIFA is most popular in the sports world, but the same word has created a buzz in the media as a judge in the US admitted that he had no knowledge of the pronunciation.
US District Judge Raymond J. Dearie told the people attended the Brooklyn court room hearing of former FIFA executive committee member Chuck Blazer,
"There are 10 charges, if I am not mistaken, 10 charges in total."
Blazer, who was No 2 of soccer's governing body in North and Central America and the Caribbean, replied"That is correct," as per the transcript publicised Wednesday.
The Judge has confused with the FIFA, which is the acronym used for Federation Internationale de Football Association. The problem in pronouncing made all wonder.
The soccer's world governing body, is more popular in North and South Americas alongside with Europe than that of Asia and African continents. The Judge asked “Feefa? Fyfa? Fefuh?” to know the actual pronunciation.
"FIFA, your honor," said Evan M. Norris, and assistant U.S. attorney.
FIFA (FEE'-fuh) has been in the news as some of the top officials were arrested in Zurich and Sepp Blatter re-election and his quitting.