(Image source from: Build strong relationship with your partner})
Are you having repeated fights, trust issues or facing boredon with your partner? Here are some easy ways to create a strong relationship. The relationship between you and your partner will depend on how you nurture it. Nobody in this worls is perfect. So also there is no such thing called perfect partner, you have to create a strong relationship between the two of you. People with good relationship reveal that the trick lies in dealing with the issues amicably.
Here are few tips to build a strong relationship with your partner
Communication all the way
Communication is like oxygen to your relationship. An effective communication between the two of you is necessary for a good relationship. Only communication can help you to develop a romantic connection with your partner. Share your desires and ambitions with your partner. It helps in developing a strong bond with your partner. Send texts to your partner enquiring about the day. Sending romantic messages appreciating him/her is also a good relationship habit.
Trust the backbone of any relationship. A relationship cannot survive without trust. If distrust creeps in your relationship then it's bound to end in bitterness. So stop suspecting your partner over trivial issues. You also need to instill security into your partner. Let your partner/spouse know that you feel secure about the relationship. Security brings trust into the relationship.
Be honest always
Your partner deserves to know the truth at all time. So be honest with him/her. Honesty is an important pillar of a strong relationship. People who are into the habit of telling small lies to their partner, will find that their lies have grown bigger with time. And one day a times comes when they become an infidel partner.
Spending quality time
Give attention to your partner. Your relationship will not work if your partner feels lonely and neglected. Even if you have a busy schedule revolving around your career, children and household chores, try to assign some time for your partner. Otherwise your relationship will develop cracks.
Be forgiving
To err is human and people do make mistakes. Healthy relationship requires you to be forgiving at times. Your partner may have said something during an argument. But he/she does not mean it. Such follies can be easily forgiven. Be forgiving to your partner's mistakes, unless it's a habitual and intentional offense.
(AW: Pratima Tigga)