Google CEO shares "Burrito Map" on the 15th anniversary of Google Maps
February 07, 2020 10:30
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Sundar Pichai who is the Chief Executive Officer of Google has shared a list of his favourite burrito restaurants in the world as he celebrates 15 years of Google Maps.
The Chief Executive Officer has written in his twitter handle some of the ways Google Maps has been helpful to him and he had also thanked the users of the mapping giant to make this service more effect by every passing day.
Sundar Pichai has written a blog post where in he stated that Google Maps not only helped him to get around with new neighborhoods but has also helped him when he had been craving for his comfort food which is a vegetarian burrito. He said that Google Maps helped him in locating restaurants at the most unlikely places.
He has comprised a list of eighteen burrito restaurants in the world in order to create a burrito map on the Google Maps.
Sundar Pichai had written in the blog post, “The same technology that helps me find a delicious burrito started as an ambitious goal 15 years ago to map the entire world. I know first- hand how powerful mapping the world can be.”
Pichai has shared his experience when he had used Google Maps for the first time. He says that he had arrived in Mumbai in the early hours of the day and had jumped into a cab in order to get to his friends house which was not easy locate and therefore he had made use of Google Maps and directed the cab driver the route and every turn that has to be made in order to reach his friends house. He said that the cab driver was astonished to witness this and he also said that Google Maps had helped him in locating his friends house very easily.
Sundar Pichai has said that the next frontier would be digital addresses that would be used in the mere future of Google Maps.
He said that one among the next frontiers of the maps would be to help the billions of people in providing a digital address to the ones who have no physical address. He added saying that the digital addresses which are open- source are called as Plus Codes and are based on the coordinates of latitudes and longitudes instead of a street address which any body can use freely.
Accessing things like banking and emergency services, receiving personal mail and deliveries would be made accessible to the people with the usage of digital address. The usage of digital addresses would also help people in order to find and patronize their business.
By Shrithika Kushangi