A Day Without Immigrants in ConnecticutTop Stories

February 18, 2017 12:11
A Day Without Immigrants in Connecticut

Connecticut participated in the nationwide protest opposing against Donald Trump’s executive order by joining “Day Without Immigrants” Gates of the Grand Avenue in New Haven were closed, Many businesses, schools were closed in the region.

“Hopefully this will be a wake-up call for people to get engaged with their community because at the end of the day what hurts one of us hurts us all,” said Jesus Morales.

Six years ago Jesus immigrated to New Haven from Mexico with his parents. Now he is a college student and also an advocate for immigration equality.

“It’s an immigrant that very, very likely, you know, is cooking your food at a restaurant, at a local restaurant. It’s an immigrant that is doing some work so that you can benefit,” said Morales.

The Association of Restaurants in Connecticut said that more than 2.3 million immigrant work in restaurants all over the United States. The Wood n Tap in Hamilton closed all its doors across the state and showed solidarity for their employees

Quinnipiac University’s management professor Julia Fullick-Jagiela said that immigrants are not just working, they are creating jobs, she said, according to statistics immigrants are more likely to open their own business venture than people who were born here.

“A lot of immigrants are coming from countries where it would be impossible to start up their own businesses so they come to the U.S. They get educations. They really want to give back,” said Fullick-Jagiela.

Roughly there are 41 million immigrants in the Country; an estimated 11 million of those may be undocumented.

According to studies if undocumented people were deported, US could face losses up to $551.6 million within just one year.

Jesus plans to give back. However, he focused on making sure that others like him understand.

“At the end of the day, that’s our goal, just survive. Provide for our families and in most cases just achieve the good American dream that we were told since we were kids,” said Jesus.

The people behind the nationwide protest “A Day Without Immigration” are planning for a larger strike on May 1st.

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