Know the destination January 03, 2015 10:36
People have many dreams and tasks to achieve and to do respectively, these are simply the possible ends of our wish. However some (people) plans to go in the wind direction, means proper initiation or…
Read MoreMicrowave oven, the best friend December 16, 2014 09:45
Microwave oven can do a lot more than regular heating-reheating the fresh and leftover. You can find some methods and trics to magnify the value and usage of your microwave. Right from tear-free onion chopping…
Read MoreDon't limit yourself November 03, 2014 12:31
Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve. AW: Arun Kumar
Read MoreStart dreaming October 25, 2014 08:12
What is life, if there are no dreams to achieve. Dreams make our life worth living. A life without dreams is not worth living. Age is no bar for dreaming, for there is no right…
Read MoreLaugh at yourself October 24, 2014 11:53
Happiness comes from simple acts and the right attitude towards life. Take life in a lighter vein and don't take things very seriously. Thing will be much more easier if you can laugh at the…
Read MoreEvery second counts October 22, 2014 09:20
Wise people enjoy every moment of their life. If you know to take care of the seconds, the minutes and hours of your days will be taken care of automatically. All those who live in…
Read MoreLearn from past experience October 21, 2014 09:39
The future is nothing but the result of present day action. A golden rule for happiness in life is to learn from the past and make the present so beautiful that the future is naturally…
Read MoreStop worrying October 20, 2014 07:59
Happiness lies in giving up on things that we cannot control. Events that are not in our power to change, must be left to fate sometimes. Otherwise we will be worrying uselessly over things and…
Read MoreYou deserve to be happy October 18, 2014 10:22
Happiness is an induced state of mind. People who think they don't deserve to be happy will invariably be unhappy. So programme yourself to a happy state of the mind. (AW: Pratima Tigga)
Read MoreLaugh a little October 17, 2014 09:24
Happy people have a secret that others are unaware of. They know the art of being amused at their own failures and mistakes. Take a cue and laugh at yourself, but never forget to learn…
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