Hartford Police is gearing up to provide out gun locks to permit holders as it said when guns are stolen from their rightful owners, the potential safety risks affect us all.
21 guns were stolen from rightful owners this year in Hartford, surpassing number of guns stolen by 25 percent during last year.
Police said that, last week, three guns were stolen from a Hartford home Garden Street.
Hartford Deputy Chief Lt. Brian Foley, said that, "I can't tell you how often we have guns stolen in burglaries and used in (other) crimes in the City of Hartford."
In a most recent incident, "The 10-year-old girl who was shot in the face. That gun was stolen in a burglary, I believe out of Glastonbury." said Foley.
According to police, gun sales increase during the holiday shopping season, that prompts the Hartford Police Department to give out gifts of their own.
Police said, they also have free gun locks available for Hartford residents, as long as they come to the police headquarters with their permits.
A letter signed by Chief Rovella is sent to pistol permit holders, reminding them the importance of securing their weapon.
"This is not about taking people's guns away, the safe storage of your firearm in your home keeps us safer here," Foley said.
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