Connecticut has come with an online suggestion for drivers looking to avoid delays.
“CT Travel Smart” is an online trip planner, which provides real-time information about accidents, construction works and other delays along any route the motorist chooses.The planner also gives direct access to highway cameras showing the flow of traffic along the way, it also points out the service plazas, rest areas or Park and Ride lots on the route.
A spokesperson for the Connecticut transportation department said “Now people can get as much of the information they need, the planner is completely customizable and it will even save settings and preferences for the next time a person uses.
The CT Travel Smart will have data of the state that third-party applications such as Gmaps and Waze do not have. The beauty of this system vs just an app is that the highway operations center collects real time information from 350+ traffic cameras as well as from roadway speed sensors. "This is verified, vetted data that's available instantly."
CT Travel Smart is more than just another public service, if it is used by enough people. It will reduce congestion and traffic backups by diverting motorists from the worst spots before they reach the spot.
The service is free and can be used from computers, tabs or smartphones, information will be 24/7 updated and the DOT says users can count on one thing above all else: accuracy.
When the agency debuted the website cttravelsmart.org on 31st (January) Tuesday, Transportation Commissioner James Redeker said it would give drivers "accurate, verified, up-to-the-minute information regarding traffic information and road conditions."
The DOT is relying on its network of traffic-monitoring technology as well as updates from DOT workers and state troopers on the road.
User does have to register to use the system: Just by typing in the start and end points, it will show the quickest route. A menu on the right hand side of the page will allow users to add features to the map, such a weather advisories or the closest ferry terminals, train stations and airports.
Commuters or anyone making the same trip again and again will get the best results by registering on the page. Once an account is created, the system will store details on any route the user selects. At the next visit, it will immediately show that map along with whatever details were requested, such as data on average road speed.
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