While the recent study says that 10,000 steps a day will keep you away from heart diseases, the new study from the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology has fed a new hope in order to stay fit. The study says walking 3,967 steps that is 3 km will have immense health benefits. 3 Km a day will increase your mortality and decrease heart disease-related deaths.
With 17 different studies and with 227,000 participants the researchers came to a conclusion. According to the study, they also say that there is no fixed size for walking for everyone. Dr V Mohan Chairman and Chief DIabetologist of Dr Mohan’s diabetes specialist centre said that everyone should at least take 4000 to 7000 steps per day. On average everyone will take at least 2000 steps a day and 4000 steps a day will be a good start.
A brisk walk of 4000 to 5000 steps will make you fit and reduce weight control diabetes and maintain blood pressure as well. These steps will even help you in digestion, says an expert Dr Mohan. Some are even recommended to take 15000 to 20,000 steps, depending on their previous work style and daily routine. For some 5000 steps is more than enough if some have to take 20,000 to equal them.