Search Results On heart diseases (Page 1 of 4)

heart diseases (Page 1 of 4)

  • Bhopal gas tragedy locals, Bhopal gas tragedy pollution, bhopal gas tragedy cancer threat for locals, Heart diseases

    Bhopal gas tragedy: Cancer threat for Locals 2024-07-26 09:20:21

    Four decades post the Bhopal gas disaster, its hazardous leftovers are resurfacing. Nearly 350 metric tons of unsafe waste from the Union Carbide plant will be managed at the Treatment Storage Disposal Facility in Pithampur, Indore. The facility has fallen...

    Keywords: Bhopal gas tragedy breaking news, Bhopal gas tragedy water pollution, Bhopal gas tragedy land polluted, Bhopal gas tragedy

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    Heart Stroke warning signs latest breaking, Heart Stroke latest, silent warning signs of stroke you shouldn t ignore, Heart diseases

    Silent warning signs of Stroke you shouldn’t Ignore 2024-12-17 15:08:31

    Recently, young people in their 20s and 30s are suffering from strokes (a disease that often affects older people). An unhealthy lifestyle, chronic stress and the increasing prevalence of diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes among young people...

    Keywords: Heart Stroke warning signs medication, Heart Stroke symptoms, Heart Stroke symptoms, Heart Stroke warning signs

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    walking every day, heart disease, 4000 steps daily will keep your heart safe, Heart diseases

    4000 Steps Daily Will Keep Your Heart Safe 2023-08-26 13:17:21

    While the recent study says that 10,000 steps a day will keep you away from heart diseases, the new study from the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology has fed a new hope in order to stay fit. The study says...

    Keywords: Healthy lifestyle, cardiology study, cardiology study, walking every day

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    Heart Attack Vs Cardiac Arrest latest, Heart Attack, key difference between heart attack and cardiac arrest, Heart diseases

    Key Difference between Heart Attack And Cardiac Arrest 2024-09-09 14:44:51

    In July 2023, rising American basketball star Brony James collapsed on the court during practice and was taken to the hospital. This 18-year-old athlete, the son of LeBron James, the famous veteran of the Los Angeles Lakers, had suffered a...

    Keywords: Heart Attack Vs Cardiac Arrest new breaking, Heart Attack, Heart Attack And Cardiac Arrest, Heart Attack Vs Cardiac Arrest breaking updates

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    Sugary Drinks new update, Sugary Drinks heart risk, beware of sugary drinks heart threats high, Heart diseases

    Beware Of Sugary Drinks: Heart Threats High 2024-12-11 05:45:30

    A large Swedish study showed on Monday that drinking sugary drinks can significantly increase the risk of serious cardiovascular diseases such as stroke, heart failure and atrial fibrillation. The study also found that consuming too much added sugar can increase...

    Keywords: Sugary Drinks, Sugary Drinks breaking, Sugary Drinks heart risk, Sugary Drinks heart diseases

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    Water Retention human body, Water Retention food, some effective ways to reduce water retention, Heart diseases

    Some Effective Ways To Reduce Water Retention 2022-12-13 07:22:19

    Many of them are keen to reduce their gained weight but they are not much educated how to go ahead. Water weight is a new term for most of them and it is the total amount of the water that...

    Keywords: Water Retention, Water Retention supplements, Water Retention food, Water Retention prevention

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