World Heritage Sites: 6 Rajasthan forts, Himalayan park 2013-05-08 04:08:13
Arousing a fact of interest, India has nominated a group of six hill forts in Rajasthan and the Great Himalayan National Park in Himachal Pradesh as candidates for World Heritage Sites this year. UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee at its meeting...
Keywords: Rajasthan fort, World Heritage Status, forts in Rajasthan., UNESCO World Heritage Sites
Read More5 Places in India Where Indians Are Banned from Entering 2019-02-28 12:00:54
In what may be a source of consternation for you to know there are quite a lot of places in India where Indians have been treated as inferior or kept within bounds, or their entry is prohibited. Even more unexpected...
Keywords: Indians banned places in India, Indians banned places in India, places not to go in india, people banned from india
Read MoreAmerican girl undergoes distress! 2013-06-06 08:46:34
The three men were seized by the Police on Thursday who were engaged in the gang-rape of a US tourist along with violent abuse after the 30-year-old American was picked up by three men in a truck on Monday night...
Keywords: American girl undergoes distress, American girl suffers injurious action, US tourist gang-rape, Manali
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