Search Results On teesta


  • Bangladesh, Dhaka, india s 4 5 billion credit to bangladesh, Teesta

    India’s $4.5 billion Credit to Bangladesh 2017-04-08 10:39:26

    Indian Prime Minister Narendra modi and Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina held bilateral talks in Delhi today and inked 22 pacts in various important sectors that included a civil nuclear agreement and two memorandums of understandings (MoUs) on defense...

    Keywords: India’s $4.5 billion Credit to Bangladesh, top stories, India and Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina

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    indian guinness record holder dies, international news update, indian guinness record holder dies during stunt, Teesta

    Indian Guinness Record holder dies during stunt! 2013-04-29 11:51:12

    According to the officials, a daredevil Indian who held the Guinness World Record for covering the longest distance on a zip-line while hanging by his hair has died while performing a stunt. Furthermore, Mr Sailendra Nath Roy who was a...

    Keywords: guinness world record india, guinness world record, , indian guinness world record dies

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