Search Results On zero hour

zero hour

  • TRS members, T congress members, t issue rocks ls for third day house adjourned twice, Zero hour

    T issue rocks LS for third day, House adjourned twice 2012-03-28 11:16:09

    For the third consecutive day today, the TRS, Congress and TDP members of the Telangana region stalled the business of the Lok Sabha on the issue of Telangana forcing the Speaker Meira Kumar to adjourn the house twice till 2...

    Keywords: Telangana issue in Lok Sabha, T congress members, Lok Sabha adjourned over T din, T congress members

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    Zero Hour, Question Hour, lok sabha suspends 8 cong mps for ruckus over t, Zero hour

    Lok Sabha suspends 8 Cong MPs for ruckus over T 2012-04-24 09:41:15

    The deputy speaker of Lok Sabha has suspended eight Congress MPs for creating ruckus over Telangana issue the moment the session started on the first day of the second part of the budget session. The MPs have been suspended with...

    Keywords: Congress MPs suspended, Congress MPs suspended, Question Hour, Question Hour

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    26 Gos, N Chandrababu, speaker ushers discussion on corruption, Zero hour

    Speaker ushers discussion on corruption 2012-03-20 08:02:45

    The assembly had at last decided to discuss the long impending issue, `Corruption’ after chaotic uproars in the house yesterday. The speaker Nadendla Manohar today in the assembly issued permission to discuss about corruption in the zero hour. But the...

    Keywords: Assembly today, 26 Gos, N Chandrababu, Supreme Court Notices

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    Lok Sabha adjourned, Speaker Meira Kumar, lok sabha adjourned after uproar over t issue, Zero hour

    Lok Sabha adjourned after uproar over T issue 2012-04-24 07:56:39

    Telangana state issue has rocked the parliament and stalled the proceeding on the first day of the second part of the Budget Session of Parliament.  The Lok Sabha was adjourned the moment in began in the morning after uproar over...

    Keywords: Telangana issue, Lok Sabha adjourned, uproar, Zero Hour

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