Search Results On hydroxychloroquine (Page 1 of 3)

hydroxychloroquine (Page 1 of 3)

  • hydroxychloroquine, coronavirus, president trump defies fda warnings takes hydroxychloroquine daily, Hydroxychloroquine

    President Trump defies FDA warnings, takes hydroxychloroquine daily 2020-05-19 07:51:37

    Even with the warnings raided by FDA surrounding the consumption of Hydroxychloroquine and the kind of implications it has on one’s body, President Trump reported that he has been taking it regularly as a preventive measure against the novel coronavirus.Trump...

    Keywords: FDA, coronavirus, hydroxychloroquine, FDA

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    White House, Trump, white house consuming hydroxychloroquine makes donald trump feel absolutely great, Hydroxychloroquine

    White House: Consuming Hydroxychloroquine Makes Donald Trump Feel"Absolutely Great" 2020-05-29 06:43:21

    According to a top house official, with a two-week dose ofantimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine, US President, Donald Trump is feeling "absolutely great”. He will continue taking a two-week dose if he is doubtful about being exposed to the virus. What is...

    Keywords: White House, White House, White House, Trump

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    coronavirus, vaccine, covid 19 vaccine likely by 2021 who, Hydroxychloroquine

    COVID-19 vaccine likely by 2021: WHO 2020-07-07 15:26:18

    At least 1 of the 150 coronavirus vaccines that are undergoing tests would be ready for use by 2021 according to WHO Chief Scientist, Sowmya Swaminathan. As per sources from WHO, vaccines for COVID-19 usually undergo three rounds of testing....

    Keywords: vaccine, coronavirus, COVID-19, WHO

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    randeep guleria, aiims, remdesivir decrease hospital stay aiims director, Hydroxychloroquine

    Remdesivir decrease hospital stay: AIIMS Director 2020-06-13 09:37:13

    The world is racing against time to find a viable treatment option for Covid-19 or even an effective vaccine for the virus. According to new reports, Remdesivir helps to decrease the hospital but the benefit can’t necessarily extend to the...

    Keywords: hydroxychloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, covid-19, remdesivir

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    chloroquine, anti-malaria drugs, hydroxychloroquine does more damage than good new study suggests, Hydroxychloroquine

    Hydroxychloroquine does more damage than good, new study suggests 2020-05-23 09:02:41

    The anti-malaria drug that has been consistently promoted as “safe” by President Donald Trump could do more harm than good to your body, as per the new studies. The same was found tied to heightened risks of not just heart...

    Keywords: anti-malaria drugs, anti-malaria drugs, hydroxychloroquine, hydroxychloroquine

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    Directorate general of health services, Coronavirus in India, facemasks not recommended for children aged below 5 years, Hydroxychloroquine

    Facemasks not recommended for children aged below 5 years 2021-06-10 05:54:39

    There are a lot of assumptions, predictions about the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Some of the health experts advised that wearing facemasks is not recommended for children aged below five years of age. But some of them are using facemasks for...

    Keywords: Facemasks for Children breaking news, Directorate general of health services, Facemasks for Children new updates, Facemasks for Children news

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