Search Results On international crime news

international crime news

  • Abu Dhabi, Narcotics found in stuffed toy, narcotics found in stuffed toy in abu dhabi, International crime news

    Narcotics found in stuffed toy in Abu Dhabi! 2013-03-25 04:57:06

    A man has been charged with possessing drugs after police allegedly found them in a stuffed teddy bear. Colonel Ebrahim Al Zaabi, Director of the Anti-Narcotics Department at Abu Dhabi Police, said officers found around 4,300 anaesthetic pills, three kilograms...

    Keywords: stuffed toy, drugs, teddy bear, Narcotics

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    international military forces, Afghan national security forces, taliban attacks increased sharply by 47 percent in 1st quarter of 2013, International crime news

    Taliban attacks increased sharply by 47 percent in 1st quarter of 2013 2013-04-20 13:59:30

    According to an Afghanistan NGO, there has been a sharp increase in the number of attacks in this year's first quarter, a recent study has revealed. Furthermore, the Afghanistan NGO Safety Office has let out that the first quarter saw...

    Keywords: Afghan national security forces, NGO, NGO, international military forces

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    medicine store, Gulf, broke in for condom and not gold, International crime news

    Broke in for condom and not gold! 2013-04-16 03:21:20

    Absolute shockingly, two jobless men have been appeared in court over charges of breaking into a pharmacy and stealing condoms and various medical products while under the influence of mind-altering substances.             According to the Prosecutors, the Emirati defendants, 41-year-old...

    Keywords: international crime news., crime news, medicine store, Emirati

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    Boston terror attack, terror, massive explosions hit boston marathon, International crime news

    Massive explosions hit Boston Marathon! 2013-04-16 04:53:30

      On Monday, two bombs intoxicated through the crowd at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing three people, causing several amputations and injuring more than 100 in what a White House official doubted would be handled as an...

    Keywords: USA, international news, The Boston Symphony Orchestra, US attack

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    Boston bombing, United States, no arrests in boston marathon bombing, International crime news

    No arrests in Boston Marathon bombing 2013-04-18 04:47:43

    Boston bomb suspect spotted on video, no arrest madeAccording to a US law enforcement source said on Wednesday investigators believe they have identified a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing from security video and that an official statement was expected...

    Keywords: international news, President Barack Obama, US law enforcement, Boston

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