Search Results On radiation therapy (Page 1 of 2)

radiation therapy (Page 1 of 2)

  • Tata Institute in Mumbai updates, Tata Institute Cancer Treatment updates, tata institute claims success in cancer treatment, Radiation therapy

    Tata Institute Claims Success In Cancer Treatment 2024-02-28 07:16:26

    The esteemed Tata Institute in Mumbai, a leading cancer research and treatment facility in India, has announced a groundbreaking discovery. After a decade of dedicated work, their team of researchers and doctors have successfully developed a revolutionary tablet. This tablet,...

    Keywords: Tata Institute Cancer Treatment news, Tata Institute Cancer Treatment latest breaking, Tata Institute Cancer Treatment news, Tata Institute Cancer Treatment latest

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    cervical cancer statistics in India 2017, Indian American scientists, indian american scientist builds inexpensive tool to spot cervical cancer, Radiation therapy

    Indian-American Scientist Builds Inexpensive Tool to Spot Cervical Cancer 2018-12-21 09:32:43

    An Indian-American Professor of Global Health and Director of Global Women's Health Technologies at Duke University, Dr. Nimmi Ramanujam, has developed a low-cost diagnostic device called the 'Pocket Colposcope' to detect cervical cancer. According to 2016 National Health Portal statistics,...

    Keywords: cervical cancer statistics in India 2017, cervical cancer in India, cervical cancer stages, can you die from cervical cancer.

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    breast cancer in India, breast cancer patients, pregnancy is safe for breast cancer survivors say health experts, Radiation therapy

    Pregnancy is Safe for Breast Cancer Survivors, Say Health Experts 2018-12-03 06:45:55

    Breast cancer, cancer that forms in the cells of the breasts, is the most prevalent cancer among Indian women and the health experts say it cannot deter motherhood if intervention occurs at the right point. According to experts, pregnancy is...

    Keywords: pregnancy in breast cancer survivors, breast cancer causes, breast cancer in men, breast cancer patients

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    Ovarian Cancer in women, Ovarian Cancer latest, how to spot ovarian cancer early, Radiation therapy

    How to spot Ovarian Cancer Early? 2024-05-07 10:54:14

    It’s important to listen to your body when something doesn’t feel right. Ovarian cancer is known as a silent killer because early symptoms can be vague and easily mistaken for other issues. However, this sneaky disease does actually provide early...

    Keywords: Ovarian Cancer detection, Ovarian Cancer women, Ovarian Cancer treatment, Ovarian Cancer breaking news

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    James Boysen and transplantation, James Boysen and transplantation, world s first successful skull scalp transplantation done, Radiation therapy

    World’s first successful skull-scalp transplantation done! 2015-06-05 11:48:52

    The innovations and advancements in the science and technology are enabling the doctors to transplant various organs of human beings. The transplantation of some sensitive organs like heart, liver and skull is a bit rare. The doctors at the MD...

    Keywords: Skull replacement, Skull and Scalp transplantation, Skull replacement, James Boysen and transplantation

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    Pregnancy-Associated Cancers medication, Pregnancy-Associated Cancers latest, pregnancy associated cancers on the rise, Radiation therapy

    Pregnancy-Associated Cancers On The Rise 2024-11-16 09:28:54

    Former Alone Australia winner Gina Cheek was diagnosed with breast cancer just days after finding out she was pregnant. In his current book he describes his experiences with chemotherapy and what happened next. Fortunately, cancer is rarely diagnosed during pregnancy...

    Keywords: Pregnancy-Associated Cancers medication, Pregnancy-Associated Cancers updates, Pregnancy-Associated Cancers tests, Pregnancy-Associated Cancers advice

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