Search Results On toxic chemicals (Page 1 of 2)

toxic chemicals (Page 1 of 2)

  • Black plastic containers breaking, Black plastic containers breaking, do black plastic containers in food deliveries cause cancer, Toxic chemicals

    Do black plastic containers in food deliveries cause cancer? 2025-01-04 15:09:41

    If you often order groceries online from platforms, you probably received your groceries in a black plastic container. Many people find it useful to store and reuse these containers over and over again. However, there has been a lot of...

    Keywords: Black plastic containers breaking, Black plastic containers list, Black plastic containers list, Black plastic containers news

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    ecology, plants, a plant in your office can help in preventing sick days says experts, Toxic chemicals

    A Plant in your Office can Help in Preventing Sick Days, says Experts 2019-12-27 12:47:02

    Researchers have found that filling your work place with plants can reduce stress levels and can help in preventing sick days.The health gets affected as there is poor ventilation and from the chemicals that have been used in the office...

    Keywords: purify, sickness, office, balanced environment

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    does nicotine affect vision, how does smoking affect the skin, smoking over 20 cigarettes a day can cause blindness warns study, Toxic chemicals

    Smoking over 20 Cigarettes a Day Can Cause Blindness, Warns Study 2019-02-20 09:19:17

    While excessive smoking can lead to various health issues, including cancer and heart disease, a new study has found that smoking more than 20 cigarettes a day can cause blindness. The study, carried out by Rutgers University, noted that chronic...

    Keywords: excessive smoking cause blindness, cigarette smoking and glaucoma, cigarette smoking and glaucoma, how does smoking cause cataracts

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    Veena Sahajwall, building materials, now you can turn your old clothes into building materials, Toxic chemicals

    Now You Can Turn Your Old Clothes into Building Materials 2018-12-20 08:55:25

    Disposing clothing that is not anymore needed is a missed opportunity to turn the fabric into brand-new products such as building materials, as well as address our unsustainable landfill difficulties, says an Indian-origin professor. According to Veena Sahajwalla from University...

    Keywords: Sahajwalla, eco friendly building materials, waste management, eco friendly building materials

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    Toxic baby products, Toxic baby products latest tips, how to choose toxic baby products, Toxic chemicals

    How to choose Toxic baby products? 2024-11-02 12:06:52

    Parents do their best to care for their children, making sure they have the softest clothes, the most nutritious food, and everything else to keep them safe and happy. We never skimp on our children or cut costs. But despite...

    Keywords: Toxic baby products tips, Toxic baby products breaking, Toxic baby products tips, Toxic baby products latest tips

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    cancer causing chemicals in mangoes, calcium carbide on fruits, mouth watering mangoes may contain cancer causing chemicals, Toxic chemicals

    Mouth-Watering Mangoes May Contain Cancer-Causing Chemicals 2019-04-25 07:13:42

    Summer is here and people all-around patently crave for mangoes, which is regarded as the best part about summers. The summer fruit is also a great source of vitamins A and C and contains essential nutrients such as folate, B6,...

    Keywords: chemicals in mangoes, calcium carbide on mangoes, tasty mangoes, chemicals in mangoes

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